The Pieces of ME is an inspiring story of a young woman’s journey of self-discovery, written by Marilyn E Porter. Marilyn is a successful entrepreneur and author who has dedicated her life to helping others find their own paths to success. Through her work, Marilyn has been able to inspire others to follow their dreams and to find their own voices within themselves. With The Pieces of ME, Marilyn has achieved a remarkable feat of creating a novel that speaks to the heart and soul of readers. With its honest and heartfelt writing, this book is sure to be a favorite among readers of all ages. Marilyn E Porter is an inspiring entrepreneur, author, and speaker who has dedicated her life to helping others discover their paths to success. With her debut novel, The Pieces of ME, Marilyn has created a beautiful and thoughtful story that speaks to the hearts and souls of readers. Through her honest and heartfelt writing, Marilyn has been able to capture the struggles and successes of a young woman’s journey of self-discovery. With an uplifting message, The Pieces of ME is sure to be a favorite among readers of all ages.