Full Throttle is a thrilling and captivating novel about a young man named Paul who embarks on a daring and life-changing adventure. Paul discovers a vintage race car and begins to restore it with the help of his friends. As Paul and his friends work to restore the car, they get caught in a web of danger. Are you ready to take a thrilling ride? Join Paul on his daring and life-changing adventure in Full Throttle, by Scott Kartvedt. When Paul discovers a vintage race car, he and his friends jump on the opportunity to restore it. But what starts as an innocent project quickly turns into a web of danger. Unbeknownst to Paul, his new hobby has caught the attention of some dangerous people, and it’s up to Paul and his friends to stay one step ahead of them. Full Throttle is a captivating novel that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its thrilling plot and unforgettable characters, you won’t be able to put it down. So buckle up and join Paul on his daring and life-changing adventure in Full Throttle.