E is for Elephant is an enchanting children’s book written by Kjersten Faseler. Through rhyming couplets and beautiful illustrations, the book introduces young readers to the wonderful world of animals. Faseler takes readers on a journey of discovery, teaching them about the characteristics and habits of each animal. Along the way, she also imparts valuable lessons about friendship, respect, and appreciation for the natural world. Kjersten Faseler is a children’s author and illustrator from the United States. She has a passion for animals and the environment, and her work reflects her commitment to inspiring young readers to become stewards of the planet. With a background in art, Kjersten has used her creativity to create fun, vibrant stories that teach children about the beauty of the natural world. Her book, E is for Elephant, is a perfect example of this. Through her work, Kjersten hopes to spread the message of kindness and compassion to all who read her stories.